Our Adoption Practice

The importance of adoption cannot be understated.  Adoption for many means the completion of their family.  For those who may be adopting foster children, adoption means the permanency of the family bond not only for the parents, but also for the children, many of whom have spent a long time in foster care not knowing whether they will ever have a “real” family.

We understand.

One of the most gratifying aspects of our practice is to be able to help cement the permanent parent-child relationship through adoption. We help facilitate adoptions involving children from foster care or from inter-family situations (which may involve the inability of a natural parent to care for their children due to addiction, incarceration, mental or physical disability, or for other reasons), and other situations.  We handle numerous adoptions sponsored by the Indiana Department of Child Services.

In our adoption practice we:

If You are Considering Adoption, Please Call Our Firm to Learn How We Can Assist



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